Abha Sharma



● Level 1 certification, Precision Nutrition
● Plant based nutrition certificate, eCornell


● Finding Yourself


Just starting out (less than 3 years)

How I Work

As a professional working mom, I understand the constant balancing act between work, being a parent, and being a spouse. I had to learn to make mySELF a priority.
In a world full of diet plans and products with false, misleading promises of a quick fix, I made it my mission to create this program for YOU. As your guide on this journey, I bring wisdom from my personal journey AND the scientifically proven Precision Nutrition Methodology.
I work with you to uncover what works when it comes to YOUR health - so that you feel more confident, lean, and capable. My vision for you is to see your health as a journey into your greatness.
Abha Sharma

Book with Abha Sharma