Ayahuasca Use: Risks & Benefits

Continuing Education
On Demand
45 95 USD
Awarded: Certificate of Completion


An increasing number of people around the world are seeking healing, inner growth, and direct spiritual experience through Ayahuasca, brewed from specific plants from the Amazon basin that induce visionary experiences. Ayahuasca has been used by traditional shamanic cultures in the Amazon for hundreds of years. It is now being scientifically studied in countries including USA, Europe, Canada, Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador for its potential positive effects on recovery from addiction, chronic depression, anxiety, and other psycho-emotional problems.

Ayahuasca is a healing brew created from plants that grow in the Amazon. It has been used for centuries by indigenous people in the Amazon and is now sought after by health-seekers, people seeking relief from mental disturbances and addictions, and those searching for expanded consciousness. Susana Bustos, PhD, a psychologist, gives valuable, practical details on appropriate preparation, usage, and after-care integration. She has worked at Takiwasi, a renowned Addiction Center that uses Ayahuasca in Peru for healing addiction.

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