Creating Community Psychedelic Integration Circles

Open Learning
On Demand
97 USD


Hi, I’m Daniel Shankin, integration coach and program director of Tam Integration, an organization that offers psychedelic integration support throughout the bay area. Through this online class, I give you the tools you need to create a psychedelic integration circle that will bring your psychedelic community together. You'll be able to create and hold circles that will help people find meaning from their experiences, create a capacity for deep presence, and offer support to each other as we navigate intense experiences into profound transformation and healing.

You'll hear how I used my experience as a yoga studio owner and meditation teacher to organize and facilitate meditative circles where everyone’s voices are heard and respected. You’ll receive step by step instructions detailing exactly how to form and run a group from the ground up. You'll be confident that you are moving from a heart-centered place that expresses your values at each and every turn. By the end, you’ll be ready to meaningfully contribute to the community that has given you so much.

My goal is that people the world over are able to take simple steps to create havens for psychedelic seekers in their neighborhoods. I want you to feel inspired and confident that you too can wield a talking stick with wisdom and compassion. You'll be able to find purpose in loving service, shifting consciousness around how we care for and support each other.

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