East-West Psychology, Masters

Higher Education
Fall 2023
2 Years
Awarded: Master's, East-West Psychology


CIIS’ Master of Arts in East-West Psychology is a non-clinical, non-license-oriented psychology degree that prepares a new type of integral psychospiritual practitioner and scholar who is educated at the intersection of the world’s wisdom traditions and sacred practices of East, West, and Earth. Our students become “meta-psychologists” who bring mentoring, healing, knowledge, communication, and mindfulness skills into a rapidly changing world.

The program is designed to provide flexibility that allows students to explore a variety of Western, Eastern, and Indigenous approaches to psychology and spirituality. The foundational courses engage in collaborative inquiry around the process of producing knowledge then students follow a unique path of electives to pursue their individual academic and career goals.

Throughout the program students collaborate closely with fellow classmates and faculty advisors. In the final semester, students participate in an Integrative Seminar which involves creating and presenting a capstone project that represents the cumulation of study.

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