Fundamentals of Psychedelics

Open Learning
On Demand
197 USD


Mental Health Treatment Is on the Brink of a Long-Overdue Paradigm Shift
Are You Prepared?

After decades of stigma, misunderstanding, limited access, and even more limited research, scientists are rediscovering psychedelics’ therapeutic potential for a vast range of mental health issues, from depression to addiction and to the acceptance of mortality and impermanence.

A frenzy of interest has captivated a new generation of researchers, and last year the United States’ highly respected and oldest research institution, Johns Hopkins University, launched a dedicated center for psychedelic studies. Now there are dozens of studies being conducted at respected institutions using the highest standards of scientific rigor.

While the research is still emergent, studies have shown that positive results can come from psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. One or two psychedelic experiences, embedded in a relatively short psychotherapeutic trajectory, could result in unparalleled symptom reduction.

Psilocybin, one of the most researched psychedelics, shows tremendous promise for treating depression, addiction, and end-of-life anxiety.

Expand your treatment options by offering supplementary psychedelic care.

Psychedelic-assisted therapy has been brought out of the shadows and is swiftly becoming available as a supplement to current treatment protocols. Combined with your expertise and ongoing support, psychedelics could help some of your clients achieve the breakthroughs they need.

As a result, there is a growing urgency for therapists and guides who are trained in best practices to mitigate risk, reduce harm and ensure positive short-term and long-term outcomes for clients.

The Synthesis Institute’s unique approach combines best practices from clinical research and wisdom traditions and draws upon hands-on experience guiding over 1,000 participants safely through psychedelic ceremonies.

That’s why Synthesis, in partnership with some of the world’s foremost scholars and practitioners, has created The Fundamentals of Psychedelics: How to Work Safely, Ethically and Skillfully in The New Paradigm, to give mental health professionals, as well as practitioners supporting health and wellness in other modalities, the foundational footing essential to working with psychedelics inside a therapeutic model.

Now, you can be expertly educated to do meaningful work that will change the paradigm of mental health care forever.

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