Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Training Program: Advanced Sharing for KAP Practitioners

Training Program
Sep 19, 2023 Sep 24, 2023
2,500 3,850 USD
In Person
6 Days


The Advanced Sharing Retreat is open to KPA and others who have attended different KAP trainings and who have at least begun to practice KAP. It will include group experiences—psycholytic mornings and higher dose afternoons—all IM–and presentations and case discussions. Our program is in process, and we will solicit interest from participants. Sessions will include: Successes and Failures; Case Presentations as Consultations; Practice Issues; Working in Groups; Couples; Adolescents; Our Methodologies; KAP and Sex Therapy; Ketamine and Emerging Psychedelics; Diversity, Identity and Culture; Commercialization and Where We Are Heading; Expanded Awareness and Movement in KAP; Trauma and KAP; Update on Science; and other topics as we bring them to our attention. We would conduct the program within a contemplative practice set. Please see this as an opportunity to expand our connections and skillful means. Please see this as an opportunity to come together as a community of devoted practitioners. We are committed to sharing and fun. All of our trainings and events have created kindness and affection. We welcome your application and attendance.

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