Ketamine Infusion Therapy Training Programs for Physicians

Training Program
Oct 12, 2023 Oct 14, 2023
In Person
3 Days
Focus: Ketamine
Awarded: Certificate of Completion


The Ketamine Research Institute "Mini-Fellowship" Program provides an advanced Personalized Medicine-based approach and Targeted Infusion Therapy methodology to ketamine infusion therapy that takes ketamine therapy to the next level. Our training course provides the most comprehensive educational experience available including: evidence-based didactics, supervised "hands-on" clinical experience, and individual experiential training.

As clinicians, we are responsible for ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of care. One of the most exciting developments in this regard is the increasing evidence for the efficacy of ketamine therapy for a range of psychiatric and chronic pain conditions. Research has consistently demonstrated that ketamine infusions can be an incredibly beneficial and effective treatment for conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. By incorporating this treatment into your practice, you can provide your patients with a safe and effective treatment option.

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