Ketamine: Therapeutic Applications, Clinical Research, and Neural Mechanisms

Continuing Education
On Demand
139 299 USD
Focus: Ketamine
Awarded: Certificate of Completion


After decades of use as an anesthetic agent, ketamine is now being applied for the treatment of mental health conditions. This modern use of ketamine is delivered through two main frameworks - a biomedical model and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.

In this online course, we provide a comprehensive summary of ketamine’s pharmacology, safety and effects, neuroscience findings, therapeutic approaches, and risks associated with recreational use. By understanding how different doses and routes of administration affect subjective experiences and neural activity, we gain insight into how ketamine works for various psychiatric conditions and how it is used for treatments.

Throughout the learning modules, we hear from experienced clinicians, doctors, and researchers on how they prepare and treat patients with ketamine. We highlight both the pros and limitations of various approaches based on evidence-based findings.

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