Personalized Medicine for Mental Health Certificate Program

On Demand
8,000 USD
6 Months
Awarded: Certificate of Completion


The personalized medicine certificate program builds off of the integrative psychiatry fellowship allowing providers to truly move beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to mental healthcare. Now that you have the foundations of integrative, functional, and nutritional medicine, you’re ready to gain expertise in deep phenotyping of patients so you can make the most effective treatment plans that lead to wellness, optimization, and longevity.
Personalizing treatment requires better assessment, diagnostics and intervention tools. You will learn how to look for the factors that contribute to pre-illness, illness, health, wellness, and vitality, and how to intervene with innovative treatments. Learn about lesser-known pathways that block healing and the power of N-of-1 intervention trials for the most advanced healing techniques used in mental healthcare.

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