Polyvagal Theory & Using the Body to Heal the Mind

Open Learning
On Demand
19 29 USD
Awarded: Certificate of Completion


What you think and feel isn't just “in your head” - it’s influenced by tangible structures and observable chemicals coursing through your physical body. The nervous system not only helps the brain control the body, but also allows the body to tell the brain how to think and feel.

After explaining the “wiring” of the central nervous system, Dr. Zelfand will introduce concepts like neuroception and the polyvagal theory (as proposed by Stephen Porges, PhD) and explain how shaking can help us recover from trauma (as explained by Peter A. Levine, PhD). She also offers simple, do-it-yourself hacks for stimulating the vagus nerve to help us feel safe.

Dr. Zelfand will also explain the details of the gut-brain axis, and how we can best use our bodies (and what we put into them) to help us heal from anxiety, depression, trauma, and more.

Who is this course for?

This course is for both new and experienced guides, students, healthcare professionals, people taking their healing into their own hands, and anyone interested in gaining insight into the human psyche.

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