Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy: Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Training Retreat

Training Program
Oct 11, 2023 Oct 15, 2023
In Person
5 Days
Focus: Ketamine


This uniquely experiential training retreat
combines quality instruction, two supported ketamine experiences, somatically focused trauma and resiliency frameworks, and nature connection activities to safely and powerfully support you as a participant.

The hands-on focus of the training includes set and setting exploration, discussion of preparation and integration, and other directly relevant applied aspects of facilitating psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy sessions with clients. We intentionally give you access to our introductory video-based didactic curriculum before you arrive, so that your focus during the training retreat can be dedicated to immersion in the experiential aspect and “dropping in” as a participant.

Our intent is that your personal experiences with the medicine will reinforce the learning in an experiential fashion to directly support your future work with clients. Past participants have described this training retreat as both professionally relevant and personally meaningful.

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