Psychedelic Integration: Choose your LIfe. Module 8

Open Learning
On Demand
99 USD


Integration of Spirit Manifested in Daily Life

Using Breathwork, Art Making, Meditation & Sacred Geometry
Integrate your Transformative Experience to Live Life to Your Fullest Potential

Integration of Spirit Manifested in Daily Life

The Psychedelic Experience may have opened up a path towards a new life filled with growth and healing but it is you that has continued the journey in forging that path. I celebrate you in the work you have done and in what lies within your future from this point onward.

Our journey now will center on sharing our lives with the world around us in ways that has meaning, purpose and acceptance.

This module focuses on creating and choosing the life you want to live. Now that a slate has been washed clean with your psychedelic experience and the work you have done towards integration.

The time is now to embrace the new you and stand strong and proud in who you are.

We will continue our practices of turning inward with Yoga, Meditation, Artistic reflection and Journaling for an even deeper awareness of the power we all have within to see the world, in the way we choose.

Focusing on the gifts and tools that have been cultivated through your experience and this program so far, opening to the possibility of manifesting what is in perfect alignment for your soul's path.

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