Insight 2023

Aug 31 – Sep 3, 2023


The MIND Foundation’s INSIGHT conference is at the forefront of psychedelic research in medicine and society. Clinicians and entrepreneurs, patients and artists, journalists and regulators, newcomers to the field and seniors meet to rethink psychedelics.

This year’s edition places an additional focus on psychedelic neuroscience and societal topics such as non-clinical forms of use, psychedelics and mindfulness in the business world, the philosophy of psychedelic experience, patient and therapist spiritualities, and learning from indigenous communities.


With the feedback and experience from 2021, we will make INSIGHT 2023 even greater, for example, by adding new elements such as multilingual conference tracks, invited symposia, and policy interaction. Participatory formats will allow us to openly discuss the pressing questions of our time, such as:

How can we critically learn from the past and ongoing studies? Which therapist trainings have evolved, and how to assess their quality? What is needed to make the transition from scientific research to societal integration?

INSIGHT 2023 will also report results from the largest science-initiated psilocybin study so far: the German EPIsoDE trial. We are building bridges between physicians and psychotherapists, researchers, and the psychedelic industry and closing the gap between practitioners and the academic world of psychedelic research.



Last updated: Oct 11, 2023